Simon Chang Difference Maker: ‘Student Whisperer,’ Anna Gualtieri

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Simon Chang Difference Maker: ‘Student Whisperer,’ Anna Gualtieri

From left, Ammi Moreno, Ahad Asif, Simon Chang, Jeth Anderson-Stewart, Anna Gualtieri, Kellie-Anne Labonté and Maria Caldarella celebrate the Difference Maker award at L.I.N.K.S. High School on March 26. Photo: Wendy Singer
From left, Ammi Moreno, Ahad Asif, Simon Chang, Jeth Anderson-Stewart, Anna Gualtieri, Kellie-Anne Labonté and Maria Caldarella celebrate the Difference Maker award at L.I.N.K.S. High School on March 26. Photo: Wendy Singer
Montreal - Monday, May 6, 2024

Anna Gualtieri is known as the "Student Whisperer” at L.I.N.K.S. High School. Fiercely devoted to her students, Gualtieri was recognized as this edition’s Difference Maker, an honour initiated by local fashion designer Simon Chang to recognize those in the special needs community who have gone above and beyond in their work. 

One of Gualtieri’s most popular initiatives is the Beauty Corner, where students can access free personal hygiene items such as toothbrushes and soap, and be surrounded by supportive messages of self-care and self-worth. 

Principal Maria Caldarella announced Gualtieri’s award before her students and colleagues at a surprise ceremony on March 26, attended by Chang and his business partner, Faye Swift. Chang was impressed with the idea of a Beauty Corner and, intrigued, wanted to see it for himself. “I was so touched, I did not see that coming,” laughed Gualtieri. 

L.I.N.K.S. is an alternative high school for students with mild to severe intellectual disabilities, providing them with individualized learning programs to thrive as contributing members in society. 

Gualtieri’s Beauty Corner walls are covered with affirmations such as, “I am smart, I am worthy, I am valued.” Since starting this project, she has noticed an improvement in her students’ confidence and self-worth. 

“My goal is for them is to love who they are. If they walk away in June saying, ‘I like’ or ‘I love myself,’ then I’ve done my job,” she said. 

A teacher for almost two decades, Gualtieri returned to L.I.N.K.S. in 2017 after several years at John Grant High School. She has  a knack for finding unconventional ways of helping her students develop skills and independence. One of the most popular extra-curricular clubs she animates is the S.A.S.S.Y (Student Advocacy Speaking for and Supporting You) student council. In her own classroom, Gualtieri ends the week with the highly anticipated Funny Debate Fridays. “Last week’s topic was ‘is a hotdog a sandwich?’” said Gualtieri. “They have a great time making up arguments and trying to convince the other side.” Debating helps students frame their thoughts and respond quickly – critical skills the school encourages.  

In the nomination, Caldarella stated, “Anna is a pillar of strength here at L.I.N.K.S. She helps our students become better versions of themselves.” 

Growing up, Gualtieri struggled with self-love and acceptance, so she says she can relate to her students who struggle with self-love and acceptance.

She is also a teacher in the Work-Oriented Training Path program in which students gain employment experiences through placements, while working towards receiving a PreWork Training Certificate from the Ministère de l’Éducation. This year, Gualtieri’s students are working at the new student-run café Pause for Positivity, where they develop marketable skills such as food prep and customer service. (See story, p. 34.) “Their specialty is grilled cheese sandwiches,” she observed. “That’s very popular among the clientele.” 

Student Riccardo Junior Celli congratulated Gualtieri on the award, saying, “You are truly the most amazing teacher ever. When I had Ms. Anna for my teacher, she changed me in a way where I was very shy. Now I can look at people while I speak to them and [have]...confidence…I want to say a big thank you.”

Gualtieri’s devotion to her students extends beyond the walls of the school to include holiday food drives, field trips and soccer games. Her healthy living approach is key for helping them “feel good and confident about themselves,” as stated in the nomination. 

“Anna Gualtieri's kindness, compassion and love has had a truly transformative impact on my son since he came under her care and guidance,” shared parent Aidan Stewart. “Words can't describe how grateful I am for the awe-inspiring work she has done to help him – and countless other children.”

In reflecting on this year’s Difference Maker, Chang commented, “I am so impressed by Anna’s devotion to her students and how she has been making a difference in their lives for so many years. Walking into the Beauty Corner that she has created is inspiring…What fortunate students they are!” 

As a first step in supporting the Beauty Corner, Damar International donated furniture to enhance the space. 

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