Book review | You Are Love a balm for unhappy emotions

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Book review | You Are Love a balm for unhappy emotions

Lauren Tatner reading You Are Love to her daughters. Photo courtesy of Lauren Tatner
Lauren Tatner reading You Are Love to her daughters. Photo courtesy of Lauren Tatner
Montreal - Tuesday, May 2, 2023

by Roanne Weisman

The words are simple. The wisdom is profound. The illustrations are magical. You Are Love distills ancient spiritual truths into a message, which bypasses the intellect and goes directly to the heart. Author Lauren Tatner and illustrator Angelina Doherty together captivate readers of all ages by reminding us what we were born knowing: Tatner writes, “Your happiness comes from within. You have your own internal guidance system (your emotions). You are special just as you are. Your natural state is one of well-being. You have the ability to create anything you want. Your main purpose in life is to have fun. You are energy at your core and that energy is love.”

This 40-page book is a balm for the anxiety, fear and loneliness experienced by so many. Tatner helps readers to simply stop. Follow the breath. Focus on finding the feathers hidden in the illustrations “as a sign from your angels that you are never alone.”

The granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, Tatner is able to guide children and adults through simple interactive practices that show how we are connected to the wisdom of generations of ancestors from many cultures throughout the world. The gentle, wise teachings share a knowledge of the soul that transcends time and space: We are all connected, and the force that unites us is love.