Artistic Heroes: The show that changed our atmosphere

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Artistic Heroes: The show that changed our atmosphere

Artistic Heroes: The show that changed our atmosphere
Montreal - Thursday, November 25, 2021

By Steven Atme

Working from home since June 2020 has been an interesting experience. It felt good, however, part of me missed being out and about. And some days, when I experienced technical difficulties with my computer or the few times we lost power, I’d get so frustrated I’d become the “Incredible Hulk.” Nonetheless, that didn’t prevent me from plowing through; thinking of creative solutions, networking and letting imaginations come to life.

Given the obvious global circumstance, there were limitations but that didn’t mean that the arts and culture were cancelled. Only postponed. Postponed? I think not!

Yes, many artists missed attending events and performing in public. And many people went through dark periods and needed help. With these things in mind, an idea came to me. “Let’s start a project that’ll change the atmosphere,” I thought. My idea was to prepare a virtual talent show and give it a special title, “Artistic Heroes.”

On January 25, 2021, my search for talent began. I connected with people from here in Montreal and across Canada, encouraging them to create a five-minute selfie video of any talents or abilities and send videos to me. I would combine footage to be aired in the form of a talent show at a later date.

Like the essential workers who, for over a year and a half, gave their tireless devotion to saving lives and helping the least fortunate who couldn’t leave their homes during the pandemic, these talented young children and adults went from being artists to Artistic Heroes.

Five months later, on June 19, the event premiered on Zoom. It was an emotional day. More than 50 guests attended, witnessing the works of 21 artistic heroes that brought us so much light, smiles, laughter and tears.

We didn’t know what to expect. But it truly worked. It was a huge success! We brought the show to people’s homes and changed the atmosphere. Seeing the faces of those 21 participants lifted my heart. They couldn’t believe they gave such huge contributions to society, when people most needed a boost.

Sending a huge thank you to the following Artistic Heroes: Angelo/Franco, Ben, Emily, Enoch, Gabrielle, Hannah, Isabella, Jessica, Lena, Leo, Luca, Malachi/Samuel, Maxwell, Melody, Michael, Olivier, Pietro, Ryan and Selim. I am immensely proud of you. Let’s continue sticking together, and we can all be heroes, too!

Steven Atme is a pianist and composer, gives private piano lessons and is a public speaker, enlightening on his experience growing up and living with autism. Contact Steven at if you’d like to watch the video and pass on the positive vibes.