New Year's Message from the Chairman


Être bilingue, c'est gagnant!

New Year's Message from the Chairman

Angela Mancini
Angela Mancini, º£½ÇÉçÇø Chairman
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Message from the Chairman

On behalf of the 10 elected commissioners and four parent commissioners of the º£½ÇÉçÇø, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Our students and staff are now back in the classroom after a well-deserved holiday break and we have a great deal to look forward to.   The EMSB was established on July 1, 1998. On the eve of our 20th anniversary, we are now embarking upon the exciting development of a new Commitment to Success Plan. Pedagogically we could not be more proud as we boast the highest success rate of any public school board in the province.

Due to sound financial management, we continue to keep our financial house in order while adopting balanced budgets. Over the last number of years we have been able to generate significant surpluses.  Our primary objective remains to allocate these funds to programs which will enhance important educational initiatives.

I am pleased to announce that at our last meeting, the Council of Commissioners approved $325,805 for these six programs. This is in addition to $316,753. 80 allocated in June from our surplus.

Title of Project / Initiative

Amounts Previously Allocated

Surplus Amount Requested

Literacy (elementary – RLTN) Initiative



Numeracy Initiative



Co-Space Robot Initiative



Library - Learning Commons Initiative






Arts Education Initiative






It gives us great pride and satisfaction to make such an announcement. Very few boards have the opportunity to use surplus monies to invest in enrichment programs like we can.

I want to extend the best of luck to everyone for the remainder of the 2017-18 academic year

Angela Mancini

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